How to set default format in word for endnote citations
How to set default format in word for endnote citations

Access Date - Enter the month, day, and year you looked at the Web page (e.g., April 5, 2014).If none is given, enter "n.d." (for "no date"). If it is not, look for a copyright year at the bottom of the Web page. Year - If the article is dated, use that year.You may end up using the organization's name if no title is apparent. If there is not an obvious name, look at the URL for a clue. If not, use the name of the overall Web page. Title - If the article has its own title, use that.(This is to prevent EndNote from interpreting this as first/last names, which would erroneously result in a "person" named Society A.C.) If there is no individual named, you can use the organization as the author, such as "American Cancer Society" followed by a comma. Author - If there are one or more personal names associated with the specific page or article you are citing, enter them using the format "Smith, Sandra B." Use a return between each person's name.This number is then inserted in the text in superscript font (e.g. Citation-Name: All references in the reference list are organized alphabetically by author last name, and assigned a number according to their order in the list.The references in the reference list are listed numerically in the order in which they first appeared in the text. 1 ) is assigned to a document the first time it appears in the text, and the same number is used whenever that work is cited. Citation-Sequence: A superscript number (e.g.The end reference list appears in alphabetical order by author last name. Name-Year: In-text citations appear in brackets, and consist of the author(s) last name, as well as the document’s year of publication (e.g.The CSE style encompasses three distinct systems: The Council of Science Editors (CSE) style is a standard citation style used across many disciplines in the physical and life sciences. Failing to cite your sources constitutes plagiarism.

how to set default format in word for endnote citations

It is important to cite the original source when using an idea, quotation, data, image, etc.

How to set default format in word for endnote citations